Sunday, January 13, 2013

Love, Grangie

Well, I guess you wonder where I have been…..long time, no post.  The New Year …..and once again, asking what should I do with my time this year.  Opportunity always knocking, but wanting so to do more than just cross off the days of a calendar. 


So, I took an old door (from the house I grew three little boys in) and I had The Hunter hang it on the wall in my great room.   For a while, I decorated it with thoughts, and scripture; and then when I wiped it clean the other day, I said….a blank slate…ready for A Journey In Chalk….2013 025

I want to begin the year just remembering the greatest love I will ever know…the love of Christ.  He took my life and grounded it in hope, and peace, and the ability to see beauty all around me.  So much of my life I have quoted from I Corinthians 13…the Love chapter of the Bible.  Only recently has life shown me how little of Christ’s love has moved from the page to application.  I have started the year here…..real love only exposes Christ…and it bares nothing of what mankind is capable of.2013 026



Love, Grangie

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